Geocel Stop Gap Expanding Foam Sealant is a single component, moisture-cure, polyurethane foam sealant with a (H) CFC-free propellant designed to fill gaps, cracks, etc., and to stop air infiltration around door and window frames and pipe penetrations.
- Expanding Foam Sealant expands up to 3 times to fill large voids & holes.
- Features an R-value of 4 to 5.
- Comes in a 12 oz. can.
Note: This product cannot be shipped by air or to California
Geocel Stop Gap Expanding Foam Sealant - 12 Oz
Installation: Suggested Tools: Clean rag, foam cleaner,
utility knife, gloves, and goggles - Prior to use, read directions
on label
- Shake can vigorously (20-25 times)
- Clean all surfaces with a clean rag
and remove loose debris in cavity
- Screw trigger assembly onto can,
ensuring a tightly threaded fit
- Pull trigger to dispense foam,
controlling extrusion rate with
trigger pressure
- When using as an adhesive, bond
substrates together immediately and
use mechanical fasteners or clamps
to guarantee a permanent bond
- Tack Free: Approx. 5 minutes
- Cure: 12 to 24 hours
- Service Temperature: -200° F to
240° F (-128° C to 115° C)
- Application Temperature: 40° F to
115° F (4° C to 46° C)
Application: Expanding Foam Sealant should be
applied in a well-ventilated area, or with respiratory
protection. For best results, use Expanding Foam
Sealant with sufficient atmospheric humidity. Deep,
dry cavities may need to be moistened before
application. However, too much wetness will interfere
with adhesion.
Fill the lowest part of the cavity first. When using
Expanding Foam Sealant, fill only 40% with foam
since expanding formula expands approximately
2 1/2 times. Expanding Foam Sealant may be applied
in cold or hot ambient conditions as long as chemical
temperature is maintained. Expanding Foam Sealant
will withstand continuous temperatures up to 240° F
(115° C).
Do not disturb freshly dispensed foam because it will
collapse. Expanding Foam Sealant will be tack free in
5 minutes and cures to firm resiliency within 24
hours, depending on moisture and temperature
Painting: Expanding Foam Sealant may be painted
or stained after full cure. NOTE: Outdoor applications
must be coated with a paint or stain to protect foam
from ultraviolet light exposure.
Recommended Use:
- Fill gaps/ cracks/ crevices and stops air infiltration around door/ window frames.
Adheres To:
- Asphalt, masonry, vinyl, wood, steel, and other common building substrates.
- Not UV resistant; exposed foam should
be painted.
- Not intended for use in areas with poor
- For best results, condition foam to room
