Differences between a Pure and Modified Sine-Wave Inverters:
- Pure Sine-Wave inverters produce a clean power output or signal, perfect for sensitive electronics like HDTV’s or rechargeable battery equipped electronics. Pure sine-wave power output is the same type of electrical output you receive from a house outlet connected to the grid.
- Modified Sine-Wave inverters produce a dirty or incomplete electrical output or signal. This type of signal is best for devices that simply use electrical energy like a single speed drill or hair dryer. Using a modified sine-wave inverter can damage rechargeable batteries and other sensitive electrical devices. For instance microwaves that run on a modified sign-wave will have to run twice as long to do the same amount of work as on a pure sine-wave inverter.
* These RV accessories will give you house hold outlet power perfect for powering your electronics on every adventure you go on.
