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Ox TC6501 TruCenter Mounting Bracket
Tru Center Mounting Bracket
Blue Ox TC6501 TruCenter Mounting Bracket
Price: $79.24
MFG P/N: TC6501
MFG: Blue Ox
UPC #: 798459008943

Quantity in Stock :

Availability: Out of Stock
No Longer Available

Description Instructions
This TruCenter mounting bracket is designed to be used with the TruCenter TC35270 Steering Stabilizer. This vehicle specific bracket includes installation instructions and mounting hardware. See below for fit application guide.
  • Custom bracket provides mounting points for your Blue Ox TruCenter TC35270 steering control
  • Kit is designed specifically for your vehicle
  • Instructions and necessary hardware included
  • Made in USA

TC6501 TruCenter Mounting Bracket

Additional Product Information
If the brackets are not as pictured, the TruCenter may not fit.
Bracket Kit
Part Number
Most Models


Wanderlodge LX & LXI (w/ 1-3/4" & 2-1/4" tie rod)
C5500 TC5100 TC35270
96-97 P-72 & P-92 Chassis TC5100 TC35270
94-99 Vogue TC5100 TC35270
Vogue with airbags TC5301 TC35270
M300-M600 (1-1/4", 1-1/2" or 1-3/4" tie rod) TC6900 TC35270
00-01 Country Coach Affinity (Dana Krikstall IFS) TC5506 TC35270
94-96 Country Coach Intrigue TC5500 TC35270
97-98 Country Coach Intrigue TC5501 TC35270
00-01 Country Coach Magna (Dana Kirkstall IFS) TC5506 TC35270
09 Power Bridge TC9803 TC35270
89-03 F-53 Class A Superduty Motorhome (V8) TC5804 TC35160
99-03 F-53 Class A Superduty Motorhome (V10) w/ 1-1/2" or 1-5/8" tie rod TC5804 TC35160
10 F-53 Class A Superduty Motorhome (V10) w/ 1-1/2 or 1-5/8" tie rod TC5807 TC35270
04-09 F-53 Class A Superduty Motorhome (V8 & V10) TC5804 TC35160
10 F-53 Class A Superduty Motorhome (V10) TC5807 TC35270
U-225, U-240 Oshkosh w/ Torsolatic TC5100 TC35270
04 U-270 TC5900 TC35270
03-04 U-295 TC5900 TC35270
99-04 U-320 TC5900 TC35270
00-02 Uni Coach 275, 295, 320 TC5900 TC35270
00-02 Uni Home U-280, U-300 TC5900 TC35270
Most models with Leaf Springs TC6900 TC35270
Columbia (Medium Duty Truck) TC5100 TC35270
FL 50 - FL 60 TC6900 TC35270
03 FL 60 TC6506 TC35270
00-01 FL 70 w/ 9000# FT axle TC6506 TC35270
07-010 Fred TC9803 TC35270
M2 (Medium Duty Truck) TC5100 TC35270
XC, VC & H Lines Intermediate w/ Airbags (1-1/2" or 1-3/4" tie rod) TC6011 TC35270
02-10 XC with Airbags TC6011 TC35270
XC w Leaf springs, straight axle, disel puller (1-1/4" or 1-1/2" tie rod) TC6900 TC35270
00-05 XCS w/ Airbags TC6011 TC35270
00-05 XCS Series with springs (1-1/2" tie rod) TC56007 TC35270
9000# Front axle TC6100 TC35270
96 Afiniti TC6101 TC35270
91-96 Afiniti straight axle TC6100 TC35270
96 Country Coach TC6101 TC35270
thru 94 Diesel TC6100 TC35270
95-99 Diesel TC5100 TC35270
thru 94 Gas TC5100 TC35270
4200 (Midsize Truck) TC5100 TC35270
Ford 460 Engine TC6900 TC35270
Most models TC5100 TC35270
00 900 with 12000 Axle TC6501 TC35270
4500 TC5100 TC35270
5500 TC5100 TC35270
Beaver B3300 TC5100 TC35270
01 Beaver Contessa TC6501 TC35270
05 Beaver Marquis TC6501 TC35270
03-04 Beaver Monterey TC6501 TC35270
thru 05 Beaver Patriot (1-3/4" or 1-7/8" tie rod) TC6501 TC35270
03-04 Beaver Santium TC6501 TC35270
97 Monterey "Blue Streak Chassis" TC6503 TC35270
95 Safari TC6506 TC35270
Safari with springs (1-3/4" tie rod) TC5100 TC35270
97 Safari Continental TC6501 TC35270
01 Safari Panther 455 (1-3/4" tie rod) TC5100 TC35270
Safari Renegade TC5100 TC35270
94-96 Safari Sahara Edition with leaf springs TC5100 TC35270
00 Safari Sahara with airbags TC6501 TC35270
97-99 Safari Serengeti "Blue Max" (1-1/2" tie rod) TC5500 TC35160
00 Safari Serengeti "Blue Max" (2" tie rod) TC5501 TC35270
96 Safari Velvet Ride TC6101 TC35270
98-99 Safari Velvet Ride with airbags TC5501 TC35270
00-02 Safari Zanzibar (1-3/4' tie rod) TC5100 TC35270
00 Safari Zanzibar (with 1-3/8" tie rod) TC6507 TC35270
96 Velvet Ride "Blue Streek Chassis" (Beaver/Safari) TC6503 TC35270
thru 89 Bus with Jack Pads (1 1/2" tie rod) TC6601 TC35270
03 Bus with Jack Pads TC6601 TC35270
thru 89 Bus with Jack Pads 2-1/2" sq (1-3/4" tie rod) TC6602 TC35270
Newell (not IFS) TC5100 TC35270
94 All lines with Torsion Suspension (3/4" U bolts over axle) TC5100 TC35270
K-Line (5/8" U bolts over axle) TC6900 TC35270
M-Line Gas (except 6300 front axle; 5/8" U bolts over axle) TC6900 TC35270
thru 94 V-Line with Air Ride (rear engine; 3/4" U bolts over axle) TC5301 TC35270
V-Line with Springs (5/8" U bolts over axle) TC6506 TC35270
95 X-Line (5/8" U bolts over axle) TC6506 TC35270
thru 95 X-Line (5/8" U bolts over axle) TC6900 TC35270
00-04 Alpine by Western RV (1 3/4" tie rod) TC5301 TC35270
04 Alpine Avalanche by Western RV TC5301 TC35270
04 Alpine Limited by Western RV TC5301 TC35270
Most models TC5100 TC35270
04 Model 330 TC5100 TC35270
04 Model 385 TC5100 TC35270
00-10 Class A w/ straight axle & airbags (1 3/4" tie rod) TC5100 TC35270
95-10 Class A w/ straight axle & airbags (2" tie rod) TC6501 TC35270
Class A w/ straight axle & leaf springs (1 1/4", 1 1/2" or 1 3/4" tie rod) TC6900 TC35270
thru 95 Monaco w/ Dana Spicer front axle & airbags TC5301 TC35270
96-02 Monaco w/ Dana Spicer front axle & airbags TC9402 TC35270
08 RSR TC9804 TC35270
10 Henrickson Straight Axel TC5808 TC35270
94 K-Line American Dream (2" tie rod) TC6102 TC35270
thru 96 M-Line Mountain master TC9502 TC35270
97-99 M-Line Mountain master TC5301 TC35270
97 N-Line American Eagle w/ Eaton Axle (1 3/4" tie rod) TC9502 TC35270
N-Line IC Intermediate TC9502 TC35270
94 P-Line Dutchstar w/ airbags, Diesel TC5100 TC35270
94 P-Line Dutchstar w/o airbags, Diesel (1 3/4" tie rod) TC9502 TC35270
93 P-Line EC-2000 TC5301 TC35270
95 P-Line EC-2000 TC5301 TC35270
Pusher Mfg. TC9502 TC35270
99-10 Granning IFS 1200 (No center mounted steering control) TC5509 TC35270
thru 00 Summit TC9512 TC35270
09 Straight Axel for Tiffin TC5804 TC35270
10 Straight Axel for Tiffin (with 1-1/2" OR 1-3/4" Tie Rod) TC6011 TC35270
10 Straight Axel for Spartan (1-3/4" tie rod) TC5808 TC35270
1-1/2" Tie Rod TC5100 TC35270
E-Z Rider Transport Bus TC9700 TC35270
03-05 R-Series I Beam Diesel Pusher TC9801 TC35270
07-10 UFO TC9803 TC35270
thru 10 W-18 TC9804 TC35270
thru 10 W-22 Straight axle GVW 22000# TC9804 TC35270
thru 10 W-20 TC9804 TC35270
04-10 W-24 TC9804 TC35270