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Insect Repellent keeps mosquitoes & other insects away

Keeping bugs and insects away is important when spending time outside, especially if there's food around. Don't let mosquitoes ruin your camping trip! Check out these great repellents to keep you mosquito free! The selection of repellents available includes hand held and environmental devices, perfect for traveling. Using bug sprays or lotions is only one of the ways of keeping mosquitoes and other insects at bay while spending time outside. One of the most common solutions after sprays and lotions is citronella candles. The Coghlan Citronella Candle also doubles as an emergency candle, as it can burn for 16-18 hours. Mosquito Sticks are also lit, however these are stuck into the ground. The Bug Zapper is a hand held device that uses a metal grid to electrocute insects that come in contact with it. The Compact Mosquito Repellent from ThermaCELL is portable enough to fit in a pocket and can keep bugs away for up to 9 hours. Mosquito Coils will kill and repel flying insects for up to 6 hours. ThermaCELL also makes a Mosquito Appliance that can keep a 15 foot radius clear of mosquitoes and flies, while the ThermaCELL lantern doubles as a repellent and outdoor light. The Vortex Insect Trap will attract insects and use vacuum suction to trap them inside.
Especially when traveling with a group, these bug repellents will prove more convenient than using bug sprays, which can also contain harmful chemicals. Citronella candles will give off a scent when lit that will deter insects. Smaller candles are ideal when eating outside, to keep bugs away from you and away from the food. Mosquito coils burn like an incense from the outside of the spiral inward, while the smoke it emits will repel insects.

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