- MicroSealant Technology.
- Bonds to surfaces and stops leaks.
- Use on: EPDM, TPO, CSPE/Hypalon, most PVC, CPE, SBS, APP modifieds, asphalt BURs, coal tar BURs, plus all metal roofs, tiles, shingle, aluminum, galvanized steel, gypsum board, wood, polyethylene, propylene, polystyrene, fiberglass, brick, concrete, masonry, OSB, etc.
- Seals roof tears, seams, flashings, copings, skylights, gutters, and much more.
- Can be applied in weather as cold as -20 degrees.
- Seals for an air, moisture and water-tight barrier.
- Use Eternabond UV protector to protect RV roof from harmful UV rays.
- Dimensions: 8" width, 50' length.
- Limited 15 year warranty.
- Made in USA.
Webseal 8" x 50'If you're looking for an RV roof repair, that will completely seal off any leak and last for a long period of time, the Eternabond Webseal would work great for you. With this tape you can make the repair yourself, it is quick, easy and can be applied in temperatures as low as -20 degrees.Forms A Water-Tight SealThe EternaBond WebSeal WB-8"X50" has a woven backing coated with advanced MicroSealant. It is easy to work with and very flexible, forming around almost anything, with the ability to stick to itself to make the perfect seal to stop leaks. It is used on virtually all roofs and makes an air, moisture and water-tight barrier. The types of surfaces it can be used on are EPDM, TPO, CSPE/Hypalon, most PVC, CPE, SBS, APP modifieds, asphalt BURs, coal tar BURs, plus all metal roofs, tiles, shingle, aluminum, galvanized steel, gypsum board, wood, polyethylene, propylene, polystyrene, fiberglass, brick, concrete, masonry, OSB, etc.Application Of WebsealWebseal is very simple to use, before application, be sure the surface is cleaned, either with Eternaclean or any other non-residue cleaner, for example acetone or lacquer thinner. You must get rid of any loose debris on the surface! Once that is done then you can begin applying the tape gradually, releasing the protective liner as you go along to make for a smooth bond. After it is laid out, use your hand or a roller to apply pressure to activate the bonding process. Last Webseal does not have UV protection, apply a coat of Eternabond UV Protector to enhance the life of the sealed surface.
Technical SpecsAdhesion: 19lbs+/in width Application temperature: 150ºF to -20ºF ambient Color: Grey Elongation: >500% Flexibility: ½" radius at -30ºF Flexibility Temperature Range: -70ºF to >200ºF Pliability: No cracks in membrane Shelf Life: Up to 5 years Roll Size: 8" x 50' Total thickness: 30 mils (1mm) Water vapor test (ASTME 96B): .005 grms/100" sq./24hrs/100ºF
Application & Warranty
RV Roof Repairs
Roof Repairs
Other Repairs