If you travel around in an RV and aren’t currently in a stationary house, that doesn’t mean you can’t be patriotic during holidays. Maybe you want to display your support for a division in the military. It's easy enough to do that too! Here are a few ways you can show your pride by flying a flag from your vehicle with a few RV accessories.
Tire Mount
A tire mount is an economical way to fly a flag and is certainly one of the easiest as well. Instead of worrying about digging a hole for the pole to go in the ground, you can simply place the mount on any surface, drive your RV on top of it, and then put the flagpole in place on the mount. You then instantly have a way to fly your flag.
Flagpole To Go offers tire mounted bases for different size flagpoles that use a screw to hold the pole in place. They are easy to store due to their design and are made to prevent rusting.
Hitch Mount
If your RV or other vehicle has a hitch, you can also purchase a hitch mount as another option. This “L” shaped piece of metal can connect right into your hitch. It has a spherical hole on one end that lets you insert your flagpole. Flagpole To Go also offers hitch mount bases to accommodate different diameter flagpoles. The pole is also kept in place by means of a screw, and the mount fits into any 2" hitch. Want to support your team at the big game? A hitch mount is great not only for RV trips, but for tailgate parties too! Just remember, that the hitch mounts are not meant to be used while your vehicle is moving.
RV Flag Pole
An RV Flag Pole Kit is made with RVs in mind, and this device from Flag Pole Buddy makes it possible mount a flagpole on just about any RV ladder. The pole is also collapsible so you can easily store it when you don’t want to have the flag up.
The best part is, once the mounts are installed, you wont have the hassle of having to actually climb your RV ladder to mount the pole. Kits come with everything you need to fly a flag, and have the capability to fly more than one if extra clips are purchased.
There are of course other options as well, including smaller flagpole holders. The holders can be screw mounted or even stuck on with suction cups if you don't want a permanent fixture. These flag accessories for your motorhome can allow you to display nearly any type of flag that suits your interests. For more information on these or other RV accessories, please don't hesitate to
contact us.
By Julie T
RV Accessories For Flying Flags