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NOCO XGrid Portable Solar Battery Charger Whether it's your vehicle's battery, or the battery for your phone, keeping them charged becomes especially important during the winter months. The last thing you want is to be stuck somewhere in the cold because of a dead battery. No matter what time of year, a failed vehicle battery can be anything from an inconvenience to a serious problem, depending on where you are and how quickly you can resolve the issue. The line of XGrid products from NOCO provide ways to keep your vehicle or your electronic devices charged and maintained.

Two different types of NOCO battery packs are useful for charging electronics such as phones or GPS systems while you are away from home. The XGrid XGB12 and XGB3L are battery packs which work with anything that can be charged via a USB port. Both of them can run for hours thanks to their lithium-ion batteries, and both are rechargeable through their USB ports. The XGB12 and XGB3L are 44Wh and 11Wh devices, respectively. The XGB3L features one USB while the XGB12 has two, although the XGB3L has the added feature of an LED flashlight. Comparatively, XGB12 has a glow light, while the LED indicators let you know how much charging power is left. Both devices have a durable housing made to keep out moisture or dirt, perfect for travel.

For your vehicle's batteries, the NOCO XGrid XGS4AUTO uses solar power to maintain the 12V battery charge for cars, boats, motorcycles and other equipment. This 4W device comes with a portable solar panel, as well as a 12V Flex Regulator that helps with more accurate charging and recovery. Several protections are in place in the event of situations such as reverse polarity or over-charging. It is also compatible with other XGrid devices, such as those used for 6V batteries or USB devices. Other components to the kit include an extension cable and battery clamps, so you have everything you need along with you.

By Julie T

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