Summer means getting to spend more time outside in the warm weather and taking advantage of the longer daylight hours. With school out and people taking vacation time, the RV-ing season will soon be in full swing. You'll want to make sure you have all the supplies you need to get the most out of your trip. Of course the major things are easy to remember, but there are other items that you may not have thought about. Whether you are on a camping trip, or even entertaining at home, these RV accessories can help make the time you spend outside easier to enjoy.
No doubt you probably have some outdoor chairs along with you so you can eat or relax outside. You may not have the room to keep them all set out at the same time, but you'll still want the chairs in easy reach when you do need them. The Madison Accessories chair carrier provides an temporary place to hang folding chairs so they are out of the way but still easily accessible. It's made from coated steel for durability, and hangs over the rungs of your RV's ladder.
On warm sunny days you don't want to heat up your RV by cooking and eating inside. Of course eating outside brings the challenges of keeping insects away from your food and keeping it at the right temperature until you are ready to eat. To that end, Ming's Mark has several types of food covers, including an insulated version. The insulated covers have the added benefit of not only keeping bugs off, but also preserving the temperature for hot or cold food. All the Ming's Mark food covers are collapsible for easy storage. When the meal is done, the Camco utility container provides a place to hold all your trash. It can be secured in place, so you won't have to worry about it blowing away with trash inside, and the handles make it easy to carry wherever you need it. A zippered lid can be closed over the top to keep bugs or animals from being attracted to the area. When it's not in use, it also folds down flat to about 2" high.
When it comes to organizing all the disposable supplies you take along, there are several items from Camco that can keep them neatly stored until you need them. Plastic bags are one such example. They're kept around because there are so many different uses for them but they sometimes have a way of escaping storage. Now you can keep them under control with the Pop-A-Bag plastic bag holder. It not only holds up to 20 grocery size bags, but dispenses them as needed. It even makes a convenient place to store trash bags. If you take a group along when camping, you're probably always handing out paper plates. Now you can let everyone help themselves with Camco's Pop-A-Plate paper plate dispenser. It mounts under an upper cupboard and holds a whole stack of 9" paper, plastic or other disposable plates. There is also a convenient Pop-A-Bowl bowl dispenser for 6" disposable bowls or small plates.
These are just a few of the RV accessories that can make your life easier on the road. Please feel free to
contact us for all of your RV needs.
By Julie T
RV Camping Accessories