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Do you have trouble keeping your motorhome under control in strong crosswind situations or worry about maintaining your lane with a front tire blow out? Your car or SUV is built with a center position that keeps it in the middle of the lane, enhancing driving and safety. Your motorhome is not built with one. That’s why you need TruCenter Steering Control fromBlue Ox TruCenter RV Steering Stabilizer Blue Ox.

Convenient push-button activation. TruCenter works like a horizontally-mounted shock absorber, applying the force needed to keep your motorhome on course.

Easily Adjustable. If there needs to be a new center position, which can happen if the winds shift, it is easy to readjust the system. Just push and hold the button while you get situated in the lane, and then release the button. It is able to work with your steering to keep you on track

Keeping you in control. If you experience a blowout in your front tire, trying to keep your vehicle in control can become dangerous. TruCenter exerts up to 270 pounds of pressure on your steering, allowing you to bring the vehicle to a safe stop.

A product you can trust. This system is simple to mount and easily transferable. It is made to be durable and has been tested to ensure optimum performance. TruCenter comes with a two year warranty, with the option of adding up to one extra year. TruCenter is dependable enough to perform in the most stringent driving conditions for years to come.

For more information on the TruCenter Steering Stabilizer, Click Here

By Heather Ledenican

Blue Ox TruCenter Steering Stabilizer

Blue Ox TC35270 Tru Center Steering Stabilizer
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