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Norcold 618872 Fridge AC Heating Element - 225W/110VAC
Norcold Fridge AC Heating Element - 225W/110VAC
Norcold Fridge AC Heating Element - 225W/110VAC
Price: $70.50
MFG P/N: 618872
MFG: Norcold
UPC #: 765053678346
SHIPS: In 1 Business Day
NOTE: Delivers in 2-5 Days

Quantity in Stock :38

Availability: In Stock

The Norcold Fridge AC Heating Element - 225W/110VAC is the older style AC Heating Element. If your Cooling Unit serial number is below 11231146 then this part will work for you.
  • Fits these models: 1200AC, 1200ACIM, 1200ACIMBK, 1200ACIMBKD, 1200ACIMD, 1200ACIMSSD, 1200LR, 1200LRBK, 1200LRIM, 1200LRIMBK, 1200LRIMBKD, 1200LRIMD, 1200LRIMSS, 1200LRIMWH, 1200LRSS, 1200LRWH, 1201LRIM, 1201LRIMSS, 1201LRIMSSD, 1201LRIMWPM, 1210ACIM, 1210ACIMSSD, 1210ACSS, 1210ACIMD, 1210, 1210BK, 1210IM, 1210IMBK, 1210IMBKD, 1210IMD, 1210IMPFS, 1210IMSS, 1210IMSSD, 1210SS, 1211IM, 1211IMSS, 1211IMWPM, 1211WPM, 1200ACIMSS, 1200LRIMSSD.
  • This heating element hooks up to "AC HI" and "AC LO" on your power board.
  • Limited 90 day warranty.

RV Refrigerator AC Heating Element