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BatteryMinder RV Battery Condition Indicator
BatteryMinder 12103 RV Battery Condition Indicator
BatteryMinder 12103 RV Battery Condition Indicator
Price: $9.95
MFG P/N: 12103
MFG: BatteryMINDer

Quantity in Stock :13

Availability: In Stock

Description Instructions
The BatteryMinder RV Battery Condition Indicator is a great way to check the status of your RV batteries and know when the battery is no longer good for use. It can be used to test 12V batteries, any size or type, including maintenance-free, deep cycle, and gel batteries.
  • Instantly checks the amount of charge in your RV battery.
  • Push-button operation.
  • Display Indicator Lights:
    • No lights - the battery is fully dead.
    • Red light - the battery is in poor condition (between 11.2 and 11.8 volts)
    • Red and yellow light - the battery is in fair condition (between 11.8 and 12.3 volts)
    • Red, yellow, and green light - the battery is good between 12.3 and 12.8 volts).
  • Attaches to standard battery terminals.
  • Weight: 1 lb.
  • Includes (1) battery condition indicator and ring terminals.
  • Limited 5-Year Manufacturer Warranty.

BatteryMinder RV Battery Condition Indicator

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