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Husky Towing Center Bolt Kit For Base Rails
Husky Towing 33156 Center Bolt Kit For Base Rails
Husky Towing Center Bolt Kit For Base Rails
Price: $12.49
MFG P/N: 33156
MFG: Husky Towing
UPC #: 088805320592
SHIPS: In 1 Business Day
NOTE: Delivers in 2-5 Days

Quantity in Stock :45

Availability: In Stock

Description Instructions
The Husky Towing Center Bolt Kit is made for securing Husky 30686 base rails to your tow vehicle.
  • Requires the following tools to install: drill, 5/8" drill bit, 15/16" socket, and a torque wrench capable of at least 150 ft-lbs.
  • Base rails not included, see part 30686.
  • Weight: 2 lbs.
  • Limited 5-Year Manufacturer Warranty.

Husky Towing Center Bolt Kit For Base Rails

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