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3X Chemistry 156 Salt Neutralizer - 1 Gallon
3X Chemistry 156 Salt Neutralizer - 1 Gallon
3X Chemistry 156 Salt Neutralizer - 1 Gallon
Price: $30.56
MFG P/N: 156
MFG: 3X Chemistry
UPC #: 013964686753
SHIPS: In 1 Business Day
NOTE: Delivers in 2-5 Days

Quantity in Stock :14

Availability: In Stock

3X Chemistry Salt Neutralizer - 1 Gallon converts corrosive salt residue to an easy rinsing foam that won't harm painted of finished surfaces. Unlike detergent based products, Salt Neutralizer's blend of organic acids, corrosion inhibitors and penetrants neutralize the corrosive film left behind by road salt, brine and ice melt.
  • Removes embedded salt and salt residue
  • Attacks the salt layers and converts them into a water-soluble form that can be easily rinsed away
  • Unit Size: 1 Gallon
  • Unit Type: Jug
  • Made in the USA
Note: Cannot be shipped by air; Non-returnable.

3X Chemistry Salt Neutralizer - 1 Gallon