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Permatex Non-Chlorinated Brake & Parts Cleaner - 14.5 Oz
Permatex 82220 Non-Chlorinated Brake & Parts Cleaner - 14.5 Oz
Permatex Non-Chlorinated Brake & Parts Cleaner - 14.5 Oz
Price: $9.59
MFG P/N: 82220
MFG: Permatex
UPC #: 686226822208

Quantity in Stock :6

Availability: In Stock

Description Instructions
The Permatex Non-Chlorinated Brake & Parts Cleaner effectively dissolves dirt and oil from brake systems and other machinery and equipment. Safe on aluminum. Leaves no residue or chlorinated solvent run-off.
  • Automobile applications: All brake systems, C.V. joints, machinery, tools, and farm equipment.
  • Helps Manage EPA Halide Limits.
  • Size: 14.5 oz aerosol can.
  • Weight: 0.2 lbs.

Permatex Non-Chlorinated Brake & Parts Cleaner - 14.5 Oz
