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Permatex 80075 Chain Lube - 6 Oz
Permatex 80075 Chain Lube - 6 Oz
Permatex Chain Lube - 6 Oz
Price: $6.18
MFG P/N: 80075
MFG: Permatex
UPC #: 686226800756
SHIPS: In 1 Business Day
NOTE: Delivers in 2-5 Days

Quantity in Stock :30

Availability: In Stock

Description Instructions
The Permatex Chain Lube cleans and lubricates any kind of roller chains, gears or cables that experience constant exposure from the elements.
  • Easy to apply foaming action for better coverage.
  • Extends the life of your chains, gears, or cables.
  • Perfect for chain-driven tools or vehicles including motorcycles, mopeds, chainsaws, lawnmowers, farm equipment, and bicycles.
  • Does not attract sand, dirt or dust.
  • Repels water.
  • Sold as a 6 oz aerosol can.
  • VOC compliant.
  • Weight: 0.5 lbs.

Permatex Chain Lube - 6 Oz