Fits the following brands and models:
American Plumber WCC, 155155-51, W5CIP, 155002-51 Ametek CC-10, 155155, 155155-43, D20 APEC 23-CAB10 Aqua-Pure™/3M Purification AP-117RO, 55778-01 AXEON Membranes 200658 Cornelius COR10B1, COR10B5 Coster Engineering 625-001-574 Costguard by Everpure EV9108-15, CG5-10, EV810100 EcoLab® 9320-1002 Ecowater 7190288, 7070323, 7156886 Everpure EV9108-15, CG5-10, EV810100 Flexeon 200658 Flow Pur WCBCS975RV GE Water FX12P Harmsco® HAC-10-W Harmsco® Compatible HAC-10-W Hobart 01-234301-97200 Honeywell RF-65, RF-61 Hydro-Logic Purification Systems 22110 Ice House America® IHA - H00115 Ideal H2O™ 738330 Intelifil IF-CB-010 KX Industries 32-250-125-975 Marlo S1035, A2112022 Nimbus 100180, 100503, 101856, 100028, 101016 NorthStar 7156886, 7190296, 7209037, 7070323 Nu-Calgon 4711-87 Omnipure OMB934-5 Pentek CEP-10E, 155714-43 PureMark PFS10B1, PFS10B5 PurePro 04010-05 Pure-Tel FLTR-3900, R1110-CB, FLTR-2112 Purwater CTOB10N RainSoft 18773, 9757, 12464, 13119, 17368, 18557 Selecto 101-200 Shurflo 15-056-10 Sterilight SC-06 TGI Pure, TopWay Global IF-CB-010 Vertex CF-4000 Water Factory Systems/3M Purification 47-211114 Watts WCBCS-975, MAXETW-975, 5M-CTG, 101009, 100036, 5MCB, MAXS-975, MAXT-975 Watts Premier 5M-CTG, 101009, GAC-10-56, 100036, 5MCB